ISSN 1110 / 6875
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Arab Journal of Biotechnology is an international scientific journal devoted to the advancement and dissemination of fundamental knowledge concerning all fields of molecular biology and its applications in biotechnology. It is an internationally refereed publication, published biannually (January and July). The objectives of this journal are:
- Enhancement of scientific cooperation between Arab scientists and scientists from other countries.
- Introduction of current research in the Arab World to the international scientific community.
Annual Subscription
- Institutions: 150 $ or equivalent
- Individuals: 10 $ or equivalent
- Available on CD : 15 $ or equivalent
- Cost of reprint : 100 = 120$
50 = 60$
- All articles published represent the opinions of the authors and do not reflect official policy of the Journal. All rights are reserved to the Arab Journal of Biotechnology.
- No part of the journal may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or via any storage or retrieval system, without written permission from the Editor.
All correspondences should be directed to the Managing Editor. (
- The Arab Journal of Biotechnology publishes original papers within the general field of biotechnology and genetic engineering (medicine, agriculture, pharmacology, environment, veterinary medicine and industrial microbiology). One volume is published annually (in two numbers).
- Submission of manuscripts: Papers submitted for publication should be signed by all authors concrernd and sent to the Editor. Information concerning cost will be made available to the author(s) on submission of papers.
Submission implies nonsubmission elsewhere. If accepted, the article should not be published elsewhere in the same form without permission from the Editorial Secretary of this journal.
- The manuscript should be assembled in the following order: Title page (including full title, title footnote, byline, and running title), footnotes, ABSTRACT, INTRODUCTION, MATERIALS AND METHODS, TABLES, FIGURE LEGENDS, FIGURES, and ARABIC ABSTRACT. Combination of RESULTS and DISCUSSION is acceptable. All pages should be numbered consecutively starting with the title page. Footnotes should be used only in tables as superscript lower case letters, and placed at the bottom of the page containing the table. All acknowledgements should be on a separate sheet preceding the references. Use of abbreviations should be minimized. Where necessary, spell out the abbreviated term followed by the abbreviation in parentheses where it is first cited both in the text and in the legends. Abbreviations should not be used in title or summary. Manuscripts will be reviewed by two to three experts in their field.
The Title should be specific and brief, and typed in capital letters together with the name(s) of the author(s) and institution(s) in which the research was carried out (Department of…, Faculty of…, University of…, city and country). A running title of not more than 40 characters (including spaces) should be provided, for page heading. Author’s names should carry initials and family names without titles.
The Abstract should be concise but adequate, generally not exceeding 300 words and providing an account of the subject, results obtained and conclusions.
Materials and Methods complete identification of suppliers should be given for unique or unusual materials used in experiments. Methods should be clear and concise, but provide sufficient details to allow others in the scientific community to interpret or verify the results.
- Presentation: Three copies of the typescript should be provided, double spaced throughout, on one side quarto paper (28 x 21.5 cm), with a margin of one inch all a round. Fold-out tables should be avoided. The article should be included on a 3.5 inch computer diskette.
Names of genera and species must be typed in italics followed by the authority when the name is first mentioned in the text. Generic names should be written out when first used in the text; thereafter, they are abbreviated when used with a specific name.
When not too many throughout, numbers one to three inclusive should be spelled out, and number 4 onwards given in figures, except when they begin a sentence.
Units of weight, volume, measure and time are abbreviated when preceded by numerals (e.g. μg, mg, g, kg; μl, ml; μm, nm, mm, cm, m, km; sec, min, hr, d and the abbreviations have neither a period nor an (s) in the plural.
Tables should be self-explanatory, numbered consecutively and carry appropriate titles.
- Illustrations: All Illustrations, plates and charts should be submitted in a size10 x 20 cm. A metric scale should preferably be included on each illustration. If this is not possible, the magnification (or reduction) should be given in the legend and adjusted after any modification in the size of the illustration. Drawings should be computerized and the original photographs on glossy papers. Original illustrations will be returned to the author if requested.
- References: Authors are requested to check the list of references against the text to ensure that: (a) the spelling of author’s names and dates given are consistent; (b) all authors quoted in the text are included in the list of references.
The full title of the paper must be given, together with the first and last pages. For abbreviations of journal titles in the reference list, the form used in the World List of Scientific Periodicals (4th edn) should be followed.
Cantarow, A. and Trumper, M. (1975). Clinical Biochemistry, 7th edn. W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia, London, Toronto.
Reitman, S. and Frankel, S.A. (1975). A colorimetric method for the determination of serum glutamic-oxalacetic and glutamicpyruvic transminases. Amer. J. Clin. Path., 28: 56-65.
Widdowson, E.M. (1981). The role of nutrition in mammalian reproduction. In: Environment Factors in Mammalian Reproduction (Gilmore, D. & Cook, B., eds): 145-159. MacMillan, London.
- Corrected manuscript: The reviewed manuscript will be sent to the author. The manuscript should be corrected and returned in due time with a floppy disk (MS Word under Windows) to the Editor.
- Offprints: Twenty-five reprints of each paper will be offered free to the author (s).
- Correspondence: Subscription and requests should be sent directly to The Managing Editor, Arab Council for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, Association of Arab Universities. Tharwat Street, Cairo Univ. Hostel, Giza. 12613, Egypt. Tel 🙁 202) 5676032, (202) 5676050 Fax 🙁 202) 37484423. E-mail:
Publishing cost: 150 $ or its equivalent in the currency of Egypt
All correspondences should be directed to the Managing Editor. (